1930-31 Season

Names & Numbers 

  • George Hainsworth (1)
  • Sylvio Mantha (2)(capitaine)
  • Marty Burke (3)
  • Aurèle Joliat (4)
  • Armand Mondou (5)
  • Nick Wasnie (6)
  • Howie Morenz (7)
  • Albert Leduc (8)
  • Alfred "Pit" Lépine (9)
  • Wildor Larochelle (10)
  • Bert McCaffrey (11)
    Arthur Lesieur (11)
  • Georges Mantha (12)
  • John Gagnon (14)
  • Gus Rivers (15)
  • Cecil Hart (coach)

    In 1930 the Canadian won his fourth Stanley Cup and this will be his second in the Montreal Forum.

    References: Glorieuse histoire des Canadians from " Les éditions de l'homme"






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