1923-24 Season

Names & Numbers 

  • Georges Vézina (1)
  • Sprague Cleghorn (2) (capitaine)
  • Bill Coutu (3)
  • Aurèle Joliat (4)
  • Bill Boucher (5)
  • Odie Cleghorn (6)
  • Howie Morenz (7)
  • Bill Cameron (8)
  • Sylvio Mantha (9)
  • Robert Boucher (10)
  • Bill Bell (11)
  • Charles Fortier
  • Léo Dandurand (coach)
  • In 1924 the Canadian won his second Stanley Cup. He must defeat two contenders is in order, Vancouver, Champion Hockey League Western Pacific, and Calgary, Champions Hockey League in Western Canada.

    The Tricolor first beat Vancouver 3-2 and 2-1, then prevailed then opar Calgary 6-1 and 3-0. Since the temperature is too lenient in Montreal, the latter match was played in Ottawa where he had artificial ice. Note that while the Canadiens fielded a total of 11 players.

    References: Glorieuse histoire des Canadians from " Les éditions de l'homme"






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